Most people seek truth. They want to know about God and
wonder where He is in today’s modern, confusing world.
Many scoffers on the Internet say He does not exist and that
He is nowhere to be found. One friend
even refers to Him as “your imaginary, invisible friends in the sky.” The truth is that God is alive and if you
look, you will find Him.
You can find him in the darkest night. He inhabits the cave
you run to when trying to escape the cruelty and terror of this world. He lives
in your house and your neighbor’s house.
He sees you when you are alone. He knows all the secret
places in your heart and is waiting for you to ask Him for comfort, encourage,
and intervention in your life. He
watches you become more desperate, ready to throw in the towel and decide to
turn to Him.
You can hide your true nature and thoughts from everyone
else. You can fool your family, friends, and the people where you work. Never forget that God sees everything.
God marches with you in the army. He is there when shells
explode and your buddy lays wounded beside you. He is there through all of life’s tragedies, the unspeakable
events you hear about on the news almost daily. He walks beside you as you bury
your child. He wants to comfort and console but you need to ask Him.
As you journey through today’s events, ask God to help. The answer you seek comes in many forms.
Just ask and see what happens! What do you have to lose?
Hopetoun Falls "Photo by DAVID ILIFF. License: CC-BY-SA 3.0" public domain
Sombrero Galaxy created by NASA and is in the public domain.
God is everywhere, from the single cell of a newly conceived baby to far reaches of the universe.